Everyone gets “stuck” along the way.

Get the help you need to move on.

Day to day life has become just that. When did one day turn into another with them all looking the same?

Lately it feels like you are in the valley and the mountaintops just seem further and further away. Why is it that the lows come and take up residence when we are the least prepared to conquer them? It’s a part of life that we all must face.

Sometimes it gets too hard to figure it out on our own. We get to a point that we are tired of waking up in the wee hours of the night with a nagging fear or a thought that will not go quietly and the night is no longer good.

Sometimes, the worst part is that we don’t know how we’ve arrived at this point. On the outside our lives look pretty normal. We put on that smile and face the day and go into our worlds of work and family. On the inside we are screaming in quiet desperation.

Therapy will help you move forward when you are ready. Therapy will help you find your courage. I can provide the support and the framework to help you do this.

“Having courage does not mean that we are unafraid. Having courage and showing courage means we face our fears. We are able to say, ‘I have fallen, but I will get up.’”
Maya Angelou

talk to Susan

Schedule Your Free 20 minute consultation Now

(724) 864-7060

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